Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Im famous by association

Hey everyone!
its alot colder than last winter and has rained TONS has rained at least once every day for 2 months or something...a long time. Im excited for spring too. today has been a good day so far. nice and sunny,....of course that doesnt mean much, it is very possible that it could turn cloudy and rain like it has done.
Things are doing well....except i have bad news......we lost half our area and almost all of our investigators.,.....Last sunday they moved our ward boundary and about 10 very cool very active members have to go to a different ward. Including Luzie (one of my baptisms) her fiancee (irmao boaventura) and a bunch of other members. AND we lost Milton and a BUNCH of new investigators we had. 8 of them. Now the Irmas of the other ward are gonna get them. they´re happy....but it took away everything from us. Luckily we still have Welton, whos marked for baptism, and still have a few investigators. but weºre gonna have to get to work. But we worked alot in the area that was cut from our was a very good area, very ready, but now we cant work in that we have to branch out.
But something cool, there is a portuguese TV sitcom show (mainly for teenagers) here called Morangos Com Açucar (Strawberries with Sugar) and we were on the metro with a member, and he pointed out this one teenager and said --that kid is an actor, from Morangos com açucar. I didnt believe him at first, but then i saw a group of girls looking over at him and whipering to eachother and that helped me believe him. ahah
so we get on the metro and hes standing right by me, listening to music and i lean over to him and say "so my friend over there says your an actor" and he said "ya, from a sitcom here called Morangos com Açucar." I told him i had never seen it....then he said i should watch it...then we just started talking, i asked him how he liked bein an actor, told him i studied cinema..stuff like that. He was actually a pretty cool kid, i ended up giving him a restoration pamphlet. haha His name is Raul, But i dont know if thats his characters name or his real name.....haha
And actually earlier that day, we went to lunch with that same member and we left lunch and we saw a fight...5 teenagers against 5 security guards. Now you might be thinking "oh that cant be too much of a fight, the security guards can handle 5 teenage punk kids" but then you have to realize.....that Im in portugual. 1. Everyone here is a wimp and normally yell and act tough, but dont throw blows.... 2. when they do...its very not affective. The security guards and the kids were pushing eachother yelling...the security guards even acted less mature than that kids they were trying to get the kids out, one short stalky security guard was very firery and had to be separated from the was a mess....a joke. The short security guard kicked one of the kids, it looked funny and didnt look liek it hurt at all haha...but finally the kids just left and the security guards felt very cool. haha. I dont feel very secure in this country. Be greatful for the good public services that we have in the USA, all public services are a joke here. So even if the police pull you over and give you a ticket you dont agree with, be greatful that they are actually working, unlike many of the police here.
Nothing else really exciting happened this week.....oh i did get to see a picture of my house. that was cool. we were at a members house and he was on Google Earth and he wanted to see where I lived. So i gave him the address and i didnt know that in the newer google earth they have pictures of the panoramic pictures! so i got to see my road and a front view of my house and other sites was cool...the member enjoyed seeing where i lived.
And thats it
Till next time
-Elder Rhett Hildebrandt

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