Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Things are going good in Portugal! Im still loving it here.......and I havent really felt sad or depressed the whole time here! its all happiness!
But a good story happend this weekt hat i thought I should share.

So It was Sunday, and we were walking around making contacts. And there was this meat shop that sells meat...but cooked....and we saw this chicken on a roticery grill and it looked really good....and we were like...dang too bad its sunday or else we would get some. But we looked in and the store owner was in there alone, so we decided to go in and make a contact with him. We started off like we were gonna buy something...we asked how much the chicken cost. he said 6,50 then we acted like it was too much and were like...ummm well come back another day...but then we asked if we could do a survey with him (just a fake survey to start teaching him a little) we asked things like "do you belive in god" and "do you think god still could talk to man" things like that. Then people started coming in and he helped them while we were waiting. after all the people left, he came to us and had chicken in a bag, and gave it to us. Hes like..."my life is going kinda bad right now, but you guys are out here teaching about god and its a great thing...etc etc" so he gives us this chicken. and AS he was giving us this chicken, one of our investigators that weve been teaching heavily on keeping the Sabath Day holy, cuz she works on sunday and doesnt go to church, comes out of the back room...and was like HEY ELDERS! we were accepting this chicken from the store...and we were like"umm...hey" and then she went back in to the back room after she got a strange look on her face looking at what it seemed like 2 elders buying chicken on sunday. AND to put the Icing on the cake, I turn around and see an inactive member that we have been trying to get to church for a while is there...looking in the window, she hurries and looks away and keeps on walking.....weºre like....oh GREAT! but we accepted the chicken cuz he insisted...then we gave him a book of mormon and taught about it and he was very greatful...well go teach him again at his turned otu to be a really good contact. besides the fact that we had to go by the investigator and less active members house and explained waht happened....but its all cool now. I guess the moral of the story is that you can get free chicken from teaching the gospel :D

Well I hope you enjoyed the story. Stay tuned for more "BLOG POSTS FROM THE GUY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD"
-Elder Hildebrandt

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